
The shoulder heights of the shortest and tallest miniature poodles are shown. The left poodle’s shoulder height is 10inches while the right poodles shoulder height is 15inches. Represent these two heights on a number line. Write an absolute value equation that represents these heights.

Accepted Solution

Answer:Given,The left poodle’s shoulder height is 10 inches while the right poodles shoulder height is 15 inches. For representing the height of the poodle in the number line,Make a close circle on both 10 and 15 on the number line ( shown below )Now, the midpoint of 10 and 15 = [tex]\frac{10+15}{2}[/tex] = 12.5Distance of 12.5 from both 10 and 15 = 2.5,i.e. | Height of poodle - midpoint |= 2.5Hence, if x represents the height of the poodle,Then,|x-12.5| = 2.5which is the required absolute value equation.